Topic 06. Existing experience of decommissioning

4. Charter of the Public Council on the nuclear energy issues in the Land of Meklenburg, Vorpommern, Germany


  1. Responsibilities

1.1. The Council is a consultative body under the Land Government, it informs the public and resolves arguable issues related to the nuclear industry phase-out , also those related to the technological safety in the Land Meklenburg, Vorpommern, NPP Lubmin in particular. It also considers technical and legal issues related to the plant safety, radiological safety and conditioning of spent nuclear fuel.
The Council does not issue permits on the legal supervisory functions.
1.2. Consultative activities have the form of recommendations and opinion exchanges with the appropriate ministry - the permitting and supervisory authority in this field. The public is informed on the council recommendations and decisions via the Chairman of the Council or its deputy.
1.3. The Council is authorized to raise and consider questions related to the issues listed in Point 1.1.
1.4. In the course of its consultative activities the Council can invite experts (Council members) and external experts depending on the available budget.


АЭС Грейфсвальд - взгляд от сбросного канала

  1. Council Members and Chairman

2.1. The council on the nuclear energy issues has 16 members, which have no deputies
(substitutes). Council members are independent in their activists and not bound by any legal acts or directives.
2.2 Each fraction of the Landtag [Parliament of the Land] delegates two representatives
to the Council. Head of Lubmin Administration, Greifswald citizens, Kreistag [district council] of the East Vorpommern, Nature and Environment Protection Society, the Green League, Trade Union Council of Energiewerke Nord and Civil Initiative on the Issues of Nuclear Energy delegate one representative each.
The Land Government delegates to the Council two independent specialists, which are not involved into the permitting or supervisory activities on nuclear installations.
2.3. Members of the council are approved by the appropriate Minister of Meklenburg,
Vorpommern, the candidates are nominated by the organizations listed in point 2.2, term
of their office coincides with that of Landtag of Meklenburg, Vorpommern, i.e. they work
until new elections.
2.4. Members of the Council get no salaries.
All costs including travel and accommodation expenses related to the fulfillment of
the Council functions are reimbursed in accordance with the Land regulation on trip
reimbursables. All payments are made via the Council office.
3. Record Keeping and Accounting All record keeping and accounting is performed
by the Council office, which functions under the Minister of appropriate body within the Meklenburg, Vorpommern government.

  1. Council Work Procedures

The Chairman invites members of the Council to the meeting in the written form and informs them about the agenda. All documents and materials necessary for the discussion are attached to the invitation. If the meeting does not result in a decision, the Chairman appoints the time and place for the next meeting.
The council meetings are held not les than twice a year behind closed doors. Time and
place are discussed at a preceding meeting.
The unplanned meeting should be called within next 6 weeks, if at least 6 members
ask for it.
If there is no quorum, the Council Chairman appoint the time and place of another meeting.
The period between the invitation handing to the addressee and the date of meeting
is 14 days. This period is observed even if the invitations are sent out 17 days before
the meeting. Proposals on the issues from the Minister or Council members to be included
into the agenda should be received by the Chairman in the written form 22 days before the meeting. Requests for issues to be included into the agenda, which come later, or are proposed at the meetings, are discussed only if agreed by the two-thirds of the present Council members.
Meetings are conducted by the Chairman. In accordance with the established procedure
he sends invitations, prepares agenda and checks quorum for the meetings.
During meetings Council members formulate and justify their recommendations and opinions, which are sent to the minister.
Annually before 30.09 the Council Chairman produces the annual report on the results of Council work during previous 12 months. The report is to be approved by the Council.

АЭС Грейфсвальд, процесс декомиссии

  1. Decision-making Mechanisms

The quorum is reached, if the meeting is attended by more than a half of Council members including the Chairman and his deputy.
The Council takes decisions by the majority of voices at the open voting. If the number
of voices "for” and "against” are equal, the decisive voice belongs to the Council Chairman. Members abstaining from voting are included into quorum, but not counted in voting results.
Each council member has a right to demand inclusion into the minutes the information
on how this or that decision was taken and enter names of those against the decision, which should be made public in accordance with point 1.2.Decisions can be taken only if the point of discussion has been included into the agenda.

  1. Minutes

Minutes are kept at each meeting; they reflect results of the meeting. The council decisions and recommendations are recorded in detail. The minutes are printed by the office assistant, signed by the Chairman and sent to the Council members within two months after the meeting.

  1. Confidentiality

Council members are obliged to keep confidentiality about the information received in the course of their activities within the Council. This also applies to the minutes of the Council meetings. Decisions and recommendations (p. 1.1, Appendix 2) also should be formulated taking confidentiality issues into account.

  1. Council Awareness

In accordance with the Council decision the Land Government submits all information necessary for performing responsibilities of point 1 to the Council. Decision on the way of information transfer (reference information, acquaintance with documents or delivery of documents) is taken by the Minister after hearing the Council members. The Minister explains his decision about the information transfer and submits it to the Council in the written form.
The Council can also take a decision about listening to experts, which are employed in the permitting and supervisory bodies, also to specialists on certain issues and representatives of authorities.

Декомиссия: Разборка внутренних помещений

  1. Changes in the Council Charter

In order to make changes in the Council Charter it is necessary to get the approval of two thirds of Council members. For that it is also necessary to get the approval of the Land Government.

  1. Enactment

The council Charter comes into force immediately after the Council decision and approval
of the land Government.
The current Charter was enacted on 3 December 1999 at the meeting of the Public Council on the nuclear energy issues in the Land of Meklenburg, Vorpommern [East Germany]; following that it was approved by the land Government.



АЭС Грейфсвальд: Хранилище РАО и ОЯТ

Зал хранения контейнеров с ОЯТ 


Группа из России на АЭС Грейфсвальд знакомится с процесом декомиссии


АЭС Грейфсвальд. Остановка по требованию

В поисках взаимодействия. Группа российских экспертов на АЭС НОРД