5. Laws and regulations as a basis of nuclear legislation
Atomic legislation is arranged by hierarchy andby-laws occupy a significant place.By-laws primarily concerne normative legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Government ministries and departments.If the law establishes the basic content of the rule of law, by-laws and regulations specify and develop these standards.For example, the Federal Law "On Radiation Safety" establishes the right to radiation safety.This right is ensured by a set of measures for the prevention of radiation exposure on the human body to ionizing radiation above the established norms of radiation safety.Similarly, radiation safety standards are defined in terms of the by-law of Radiation Safety Standards, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia, and dated July 2, 1999.
Article90 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation permits the President of the Russian Federation to adopt acts in the form of decrees and orders.
The Russian government also publishes legal acts.According to Article115 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation,the government shall issue decisions and orders on the basis and in pursuance of the Constitution, federal laws, regulations, and decrees of the President.
The State Corporation for Atomic Energy (Rosatom) develops and determines industry regulation in the field of nuclear energy.Federal law permits this.
- Указ Президента РФ от 2 июля 1996 г. N 1012 «О гарантиях безопасного и устойчивого функционирования атомной энергетики Российской Федерации»;
- Указ Президента РФ от 20 апреля 1995 г. N 389 «О дополнительных мерах по усилению контроля за выполнением требований экологической безопасности при переработке отработавшего ядерного топлива»;
- Указ Президента РФ от 21 января 1997 г. N 26 «О федеральных органах исполнительной власти, уполномоченных осуществлять государственное регулирование безопасности при использовании атомной энергии»;
- Указ Президента РФ от 8 февраля 1996 г. N 166 «О совершенствовании управления предприятиями ядерно-топливного цикла»;
- Распоряжение от 26 июля 1995 г. «Вопросы государственного надзора за ядерной и радиационной безопасностью»;
This topic describes the legal mechanisms that regulate the safety of nuclear technology, including the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Those laws and regulations of the countries that pioneered the use of nuclear technology, the U.S. and Russia, are covered.
Lectures on this topic:
- 1. Stages of development of nuclear legislation
- 2. Directions of development of nuclear legislation
- 3. Constitution of the Russian Federation as a source of atomic legislation
- 4. Federal laws and laws of subjects of the Russian Federation as a source of nuclear legislation
- 5. Laws and regulations as a basis of nuclear legislation
- 6. The role of the judicial practice in the application of nuclear law
- Topic 01. Current condition of nuclear energy
- Topic 02. Legislation in the US and in Russia
- Topic 03. International law in the sphere of decommissioning
- Topic 04. Role of the national regulators in the decommissioning process
- Topic 05. Possible approaches and scenarios of decommissioning
- Topic 06. Existing experience of decommissioning
- Topic 07. Strategy for handling radioactive waste (RW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF) USA experience
- Topic 08. Strategy for handling RW and SNF Russian experience & other countries
- Topic 09. Social aspects of decommissioning
- Topic 10. International and inter-regional cooperation for safe decommissioning